New service in preparation of BBI and oneworld. A total of eleven non-stop flights from Düsseldorf and Berlin to New York in summer 2011
The Latvian airline airBaltic will help the Star 1 passengers stranded at their network points by offering them the lowest prices to fly back to Lithuania.
Brazilian and Argentinean regulatory organs allowed daily flight between Porto Alegre and Buenos Aires using the „Aeroparque“, Argentine capital’s central airport
Abkommen geschlossen – Flotte soll bis 2022 auf 50 Flugzeuge wachsen
Dancers from nineteen different countries will come together at the international dance festival in Berlin to put on a total of thirty-eight productions
This year, the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin will be the host for the third time to an exhibition in international cooperation with New York. Within the framework of the exhibition “Faces of the Renaissance”
Die Cathay Pacific Group erzielte in den ersten sechs Monaten des Jahres 2010 einen Gewinn in Höhe von 6,840 Mrd. HK$ (667 Mio. Euro). Im ersten Halbjahr des Vorjahres betrug der Gewinn 812 Mrd. HK$ (79 Mio. Euro). Der Gewinn pro Aktie stieg um 8,4% auf 173,9 HK cents (0,17 Euro). Der Umsatz stieg im […]
The Virgin Blue Group of Airlines this morning dispatched its inaugural Sydney to Uluru service.
The Innside by Meliá hotel brand previously only operated in Germany, where it has been voted best hotel brand in Germany